Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Veterans Day

Katie got to go to the Veteran's Day Celebration at school. Anyone who saw her walking would never know that there was any difficulty. She is doing so great! Wed starts her outpatient physical therapy. The home schooling is still being arranged. Some tears were shed with Mary's return from the Baggetts (an amazing family) and everyone was back under one roof. The only member missing is the Rideout's dog who has been staying with the Holloways (another amazing family).

Salem has shown such love and support, lets keep it going with this weekends bake sale.
If you can help man the table, please email me at msgaffney4@sbcglobal.net and let me know what time and sat or sun.


A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another John 13:34

1 comment:

Holloway's said...

Hey Susan,
Thanks for all your work too! The painting, keeping up with the blog, arranging the bake sale ect. You and your family are amazing too!