Monday, January 26, 2009


Rats! Katie missed her appointment with the head honcho MD of rehab. A snafu with the dates was to blame so she is rescheduled in Feb.

The game with the St Louis University Bilikens was awsome. Kelly says they were treated like royalty! Ask her about it when you see her!

Katie helped out at the Sausage supper and next month she is helping her Mom with the Girl Scout meetings. Little by little, step by step, Katie is recovering.

This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Katie turns 11!

Sorry for the big gap in posting. The holidays just got crazy!

Lots of great stuff is happening with the Rideout girls. Katie turned 11! Now that is something to celebrate normally but this year it is something to fall on your knees and thank God for. This past October, it was in real doubt that Katie would reach her 11th birthday. She is such a miracle! She had a wonderful party, held at the Youth room so all her family and friends could celebrate with her. A great time was had by all.

This past weekend Katie was named the Captain of the Bilikens basket ball team at St Louis University. She got to sit with the team and do all kinds of neat stuff. It was broadcast on 101.1 radio. How cool is that?

She has an appointment coming up this Thursday 1/22 to see the head honcho of rehab at Cardinal Glennon. Her therapist thinks Katie will blow him out of the water with how great she is doing! Way to go!

Katie is back at school most days and has caught up with the other students. She brightens up every ones day. Kelly says she see some of the happy go lucky Katie she once was peeking through.

We are so thankful to God for Katie and just lift her and her Mom/sisters up in prayer.

Trust in the Lord always