Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Which way to go?

More bad labs for Katie. Her liver lab work is not looking good. The Doctors believe that maybe the chemotherapy drug Cytoxin is causing liver damage. They have decided to stop it for a week and see if that improves the liver labs. Trouble is, that is the drug they are using to keep the vasculitis in check. This is truly a balancing act with no clear guidelines. If we stop the cytoxin, does the vasculitis return? If we don't stop the cytoxin, does it cause irreparable liver damage? since this is so rare, it is not like there are other cases the Doctors can refer back to and say...well when we did this, we got this result.

We need to pray for God to guide the Doctor's decision making and to give peace to Kelly and Katie. also some miraculous liver regeneration would be great!

Trust in the Lord always

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Lab work again

Katie has to have lab work about every 4-6 wks. 6 weeks if it is good and 4 weeks if it is bad! Last time it was bad, so Katie just got lab work again. The results were not good. Last time we hoped that the bad results were because Katie had the stomach flu and wasn't able to keep her medicines down. The results this time show that wasn't the case and the trend is not what was hoped for. The MD's decreased some of her medications thinking that maybe that will help but they are not sure. The next lab work is 4 weeks and if the trend is still in the wrong directions, she will have to revisit some of her doctors to come up with another plan for treatment. Katie continues to do awsome in her physical therapy and has caught up at school. this new lab trend is the only dark cloud on the horizon so far, it affects Katie's liver and needs to stop! Get on your prayer hats and let's continue to lift her up to our gracious Lord!