Monday, December 8, 2008

This week in the life of the Rideouts

This week brought good news and better news. Katie was feeling poorly last week and had to go to the ER. She had an infection called thrush that is a result of one of her medications. They have some nasty swish and swallow medicine to take care of it and she is doing better.

The thrivent funds were released to the Rideouts Yeah! It surely will help, escpecially at this time of year. Thanks again to all who participated!

Katie had a neurology appointment and the neurologist was soooo pleased. He told Katie she made his day. He was so happy with how she is doing.

The Rhuematodologist (whew is that a big word?) has been pleased as well and has cut down one of Katie's medications as well. Her steriods have been playing havoc with her moods and appetitie so any decrease in them is welcome, plus it is a sign that things are going in the way they should!

Katie has been working really hard and is almost caught up with all her school work. Isn't that fantastic. Her At-Home Teacher has remarked that she is doing great on her work and hardly needs him at all. We should see her back in the classroom in January!!!

Katie has been working hard at therapy and a activity that she always enjoyed was roller-skating. So they have been working on that. Katie got the skating down really well but when her therapist asked her to fall and make a plan on how she was going to get up, that really stumped Katie. You never think of having to plan something like that out do you? That is Katie's reality now. It is amazing the amount of effort and determination it is taking on Katie's part. What an amazing little girl (although she would object to me calling her that!)

Kelly's FMLA is running out at the end of January and she has to go back to work or lose her job. She and Katie's teacher feels she will be able to attend at least 1/2 days at school by then but she tires out so easily. Kelly is going to need help in getting Katie somewhere she can rest after that 1/2 of school. If anyone has suggestions or can offer to let Katie rest at your house after that 1/2, that would be wonderful.

Keep praying and lifting them up to God!

1 Corinthians 8:6 yet for us there is but one God, the Father, from whom all things came and for whom we live; and there is but one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom all things came and through whom we live.