Sunday, October 19, 2008

Saw Katie last evening. She was intently coloring a pretty picture and getting on her mom for not getting her picture colored. We talked about her bedroom at home and how she would really like it (and her dresser) painted a cheerful color. (She could use some cheering) She couldn't decide on a color and finally decided on "what ever". Emma says Katie likes pink. What do you think? Katie is really pleased with all the cards and posters people have made and sent. It makes her new room in the PICU look less scarey. The orthopedic folks are going to come up with something for Katie's left foot as she has "foot drop" and if it stays like that, her achilles tendon will shorten and make it hard for her to walk. So she will get a brace or "moon boot" to help stop that. She was taken off one of her blood pressure medications and everyone seems pretty pleased at how she is doing. She was pretty tired as the PICU was really loud the night before and she and Kelly didn't get much sleep. Hopefully tonight she can catch up.

pray without ceasing; Thessalonians 5:17

1 comment:

Diane Carney said...

Hi Katie! Mrs. Carney again. I missed you in class today. We played a game called Speedball. I pray you will be better and able to go home soon. Jesus loves you!!